Planning for the future involves more than investment portfolios and life insurance policies. It’s about laying down a robust legal foundation that serves your unique needs. When you make these preparations with careful consideration, you can face the uncertainties of life with assurance.

That’s where Amoruso & Amoruso LLP comes in. Our practice is rooted in the principle that effective planning is built on long-lasting client relationships. Our range of services covers everything from asset preservation to crisis planning, so we can assist you in achieving security and peace of mind whenever you need us.

Clients throughout Yonkers, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Bronxville, and Eastchester can vouch for the difference we’ve made in their estate planning needs. If you have an existing estate plan, allow Amoruso & Amoruso LLP to give it a thorough review. We’ll identify any areas that could use revisions or corrections and advise you on options for making it better based on your individual goals. Be assured that, if no changes are needed, we will tell you and you will have the peace of mind that your plan accomplishes your objectives.

Contact us today to learn how an estate planning lawyer in Yonkers can help you.

What’s the Importance of Having an Estate Plan?

Estate planning is essential if you want control over your assets and personal choices if you become incapacitated or die. A well-structured plan can avoid probate, reduce estate taxes, and provide financial stability for your loved ones. It also allows you to designate trusted people to care for dependents or make important decisions on your behalf so your wishes are respected even if you can’t voice them. If you have minor children, an estate plan can also protect their inheritances until they are mature enough to handle the inheritance themselves.

What Is Comprehensive Estate Planning?

A comprehensive estate plan is a roadmap for you and your legacy. It details your wishes across a range of important life areas, including asset distribution, medical care, and business succession. It includes wills, various types of trusts, healthcare directives, and often financial and retirement plans. This all-encompassing approach minimizes legal complications and potential disputes within your family, providing a clear path for managing assets and maintaining quality of life. A signature service of Amoruso & Amoruso LLP, our comprehensive estate plans also include long-term financial planning, tax planning, and long-term care planning if needed.

What Makes Up Comprehensive Estate Planning?

Comprehensive estate planning involves setting up complete strategies for managing your financial health, documenting your end-of-life wishes, and providing for your loved ones. A comprehensive estate plan can include the following:

Elder Law and Long-Term Care Planning

Planning for long-term care is essential for peace of mind and protecting your health and assets in your later years. This strategy often involves designating healthcare proxies and considering long-term care insurance policies.


A will is the cornerstone of an estate plan, outlining your wishes for asset distribution after you die. In the absence of a will, impersonal state laws govern this process.


Trusts provide a secure and efficient way to manage and disburse your assets, allowing you greater control and privacy than wills. They also offer tax benefits and allow your heirs to avoid the lengthy probate process.

Living Trusts

You can set up a living trust during your life and amend it as circumstances change. It provides an adaptable framework for asset management and allows for more efficient asset transfer without needing court approval.

Estate, Gift, and Income Tax Planning

Gift and tax planning enable you to make strategic decisions about transferring your assets while minimizing tax implications. This can involve using exemptions and specific types of trusts to transfer wealth effectively.

Financial Planning

Financial planning, which is part of estate planning, aims to preserve and grow wealth for you and your heirs. With careful investment and asset diversification, you can build a legacy that withstands the test of time.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is integral to a comprehensive estate plan. It focuses on building sufficient resources for a comfortable retirement without sacrificing your estate’s long-term value for your beneficiaries.

Medicaid Planning

Strategies for Medicaid planning include restructuring your assets so you qualify for Medicaid benefits without exhausting all your resources. This often means using specialized trusts and asset transfers so you meet eligibility criteria while also preserving your estate.

Planning to Leave Assets to Loved Ones in a Way That Protects the Assets

When leaving assets to your loved ones, there are various potential risks and circumstances to consider. A Yonkers estate planning lawyer can evaluate your situation and identify the best way to protect your assets from potential threats such as divorce settlements, overspending, addiction, or disability.

Assets from Divorce, Creditors, Spendthrifts, and Substance Abuse

Crafting an estate plan that safeguards assets from issues arising from divorce, creditors, or poor spending habits can mean utilizing trusts and other legal strategies. For example, discretionary trusts can restrict asset access, protecting you and your family against spendthrift behavior or creditor claims.

Business Succession Plans

Ensuring the smooth transfer of your business after your death is crucial for its continued success. A comprehensive business succession plan will outline the distribution of shares, roles, and responsibilities, offering clarity and stability during the transition.

Special Needs Family Members

Planning for loved ones with special needs requires extra care to ensure they receive proper support without jeopardizing any governmental benefits they may receive. Several estate planning tools can protect vulnerable loved ones:

  • Supplemental Needs Trusts – This is a specific type of trust designed to use third-party or inherited dollars to enhance the quality of life for a beneficiary, over and above any government benefits. These funds do not count toward a beneficiary’s resource limits for government programs, allowing them to remain eligible for these benefits.
  • Special Needs Trusts – This is a specific type of trust designed to use an individual’s own assets to enhance his/her life. The assets held in these trusts do not count toward a beneficiary’s resource limits for government programs, allowing them to remain eligible for these benefits.
  • Supported Decision-Making – Supported decision-making is a legal approach where a person with disabilities makes their own decisions with the support of dependable advisors. This arrangement preserves the person’s autonomy while ensuring their well-being and financial security.
  • 17-A Guardianship – In New York, a 17-A guardianship appoints a guardian with decision-making powers for an adult with developmental or intellectual disabilities. This option provides a structured framework for overseeing a disabled individual’s financial and personal well-being.

Charitable Gifting Plans

Charitable gifting plans allow you to leave a lasting legacy while potentially enjoying tax benefits. By integrating charitable giving into your estate plan, you can distribute assets to your chosen causes in a tax-efficient manner, benefiting your estate and the organizations you care about.

What Are Other Elements of a Successful Estate Plan?

In addition to wills, trusts, and financial planning, several other key elements play a role in your comprehensive estate plan, such as:

Advance Directives

Advance directives are legal documents such as a health care proxy, a power of attorney, and a disposition of remains. A Health Care Proxy appoints someone you choose to make medical decisions (including end-of-life decisions) for you. A Power of Attorney will allow a trusted family member or friend to handle your financial and/or legal matters. This can be helpful if you face an illness or injury or you lack mental capacity. With life care planning, your family has the guidance and tools necessary to make financial and health care decisions when you cannot do so.


Guardianship arrangements require that an individual or organization is appointed to care for a minor or an incapacitated adult. If you’re a parent, naming a guardian for minor children in case of your untimely death or incapacity is critical in estate planning. Everyone is at risk of incapacity, whether it’s due to a sudden accident or an illness. Establishing a guardianship plan can prevent the need for a court-appointed guardian and ensure that someone you trust is in charge of your children’s affairs.

Probate, Estate, and Trust Administration

Probate involves the legal validation and execution of your will, while estate administration is the broader management and settlement of your entire estate. Trust administration involves managing trust assets according to the terms set forth by you (the trust’s creator). All three aspects require meticulous planning to minimize legal complications, fees, and potential disputes among beneficiaries. Solid estate planning can streamline these processes, making the transition simpler for your loved ones.

How Much Does a Yonkers Estate Plan Cost?

The cost of setting up an estate plan can vary depending on its complexity and your specific needs. But consider it an upfront investment to protect your assets and those you care about. This expense pales in comparison to the potential financial and emotional distress your beneficiaries could face without a proper plan, such as probate fees and legal disputes.

Yonkers Estate Planning Lawyer

How Can a Yonkers, NY, Estate Planning Attorney Help?

From understanding tax obligations to securing the future of vulnerable family members, here are some of the key ways a Yonkers estate planning attorney can assist you in developing a solid estate plan:

  • Crafting Personalized Wills – At Amoruso & Amoruso LLP, we can develop a custom will that encapsulates all your wishes so your estate gets administered precisely as you intend.
  • Overseeing Probate and Estate Administration – Our attorneys can provide a less stressful experience for your heirs as they navigate the probate and estate settlement processes.
  • Documenting Healthcare Choices – We can draft legally binding health care proxies, ensuring that your medical wishes are honored if you cannot communicate them.
  • Arranging Legal Guardianship – Our estate planning lawyers can draft the legal paperwork necessary to appoint a trusted guardian for families with minor children or dependent adults.
  • Tax Reduction Planning – With our understanding of state and federal tax laws, we can advise you on ways to limit tax liability upon the transfer of your assets.
  • Creating Business Succession Blueprints – We can help entrepreneurs integrate a harmonious business succession plan with other estate planning goals.
  • Optimizing Charitable Donations – If you’re interested in philanthropy, we can suggest and develop strategies for tax-efficient charitable contributions.
  • Updating and Auditing Estate Plans – Plans can change due to shifts in your life circumstances or state laws. We can make necessary revisions to your estate plan as needed.

Contact an Experienced Estate Planning Lawyer in Yonkers, NY, Today

Take control of your affairs today through a comprehensive estate plan from Amoruso & Amoruso LLP. Contact us today to learn how a Yonkers, NY, estate planning attorney from our law firm can build the secure, well-planned future you deserve.

Whether you need a new estate plan or advice on your current one, we can help. Reach out now to learn more.