Estate planning documents can now be stored digitally.
Several storage company services are now placing estate planning documents in the cloud but knowledge of the documents and how to obtain them can be a problem as ABC 15 reports in “Phoenix man launches website to store estate planning documents.”
Document Trunk takes it a further by taking steps to learn when its clients pass away. It uses an algorithm to scan the Internet on a daily basis for any information that suggests one of its clients has died, such as a local obituary listing. If the algorithm comes up with a hit, then company staff confirms the death.
When a client’s death is verified, the company releases estate planning documents to the appropriate people.
While digital services like Document Trunk can provide a helpful solution to estate planning document storage, the best strategy is still to let family members or friends know that you have an estate plan and where they can find your legal documents if anything happens to you.
Family or friends should be made aware of your digital plan and how to contact the estate planning attorney who guided you through the process.
Reference: ABC 15 (May 24, 2016) “Phoenix man launches website to store estate planning documents.”
Suggested Key Words: Estate Planning, Document Storage