Senior Woman Sitting On Sofa At Home thinking about Social Security

While Social Security is a crucial component of many Americans’ retirement income, it is particularly important to women. According to the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, 48 percent of elderly unmarried women relied on Social Security for 90 percent or more of their total income in 2017. The Social Security Administration (SSA) […]

couple owning a bookstore

“Each type of retirement benefit has a different eligibility age. Your age plays a big role in how much you can expect to receive from Social Security and what you need to do to avoid retirement account penalties.” Just as there are many types of retirement benefits, there are many dates to keep in mind […]

couple standing outside their garden

“Sophisticated analyses take into account the tradeoff of receiving no income during the deferral period and more income later in retirement.” Claiming Social Security benefits early costs American households an average of $68,000 in lost wealth. More than a third of Americans claim Social Security at age 62, and two thirds claim long before they […]

Senior Couple At Home

“Building enough wealth to sustain yourself in retirement is a monumental achievement. However, financial planning doesn’t end when you no longer rely on a paycheck.” How you handle money and legal matters during retirement is more important than during your working years. It’s harder to bounce back from financial setbacks when you aren’t getting a […]

Happy old couple

“When do you need your estate plan to ‘go to work’ for you? While you may think the right answer is ‘after I die,’ the actual answer is ‘if I lose the ability to manage my own affairs.’” There are two different types of advance directives, and they have very different purposes, as explained in […]

Elder Couple with Bills

“Although Social Security helps millions of seniors stay afloat financially, living on those benefits alone could mean winding up cash-strapped in retirement.” When originally created, Social Security was designed to prevent the elderly and infirm from sinking into dire poverty. When most working Americans enjoyed a pension from their employer, Social Security was an additional […]

woman looking through the window pane

“If you are caregiving from a distance (you live here and your parent or other loved one is in another state, a distant city or as close as an hour away), it can be even more daunting than doing it in your home.” Trying to coordinate care from a distance becomes a challenge for many, […]

Finger Pressing Button on Calculator

“Should I start collecting Social Security retirement benefits as early as possible, or hold off for longer in exchange for plus-size payments?” How much time you need to figure out the best time to take Social Security benefits can be as much of a puzzle as figuring out the actual answer, according to the recent […]

question mark

“The list of things you need to do after someone dies can seem endless, especially during a time when you are also grieving.” Making funeral arrangements, paying medical bills and closing down accounts are just the start of the tasks that a surviving spouse must take charge of, advises the recent article “Checklist for Handling […]

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“Deciding when to start receiving Social Security retirement benefits is an important decision. Making the wrong choice could cost you.” Not knowing when you will be eligible to receive all of the benefits earned through your work history can hurt a retirement plan, says a recent article from titled “Here’s what to you need to […]