Category: Guardians

“It’s hard to imagine being stripped by a court of the right to make decisions about finances, medical care and other matters. It’s even harder to imagine that happening without representation or the advice from a lawyer.” In many states, if a person is deemed unable to conduct their own affairs, a court appoints a […]

“Bradford Lund tries to prove he is mentally capable of managing his affairs but is trapped in a probate system susceptible to predators.” Even visionary Walt Disney could not have imagined the struggle his grandson Bradford Lund has endured trying to claim his share of the Disney family fortune, reports the Daily Bulletin in a […]

“The most common misconception estate planning attorneys hear is that someone doesn’t need an estate plan because their client isn’t elderly or on death’s door.” Estate planning is something anyone who is 18 years old or older needs to think about, advises the article “Estate planning for every stage of life” from the Independent Record. […]

“For most people, pets aren’t just animals–they’re the excited ‘hello’ when we get home from a long day of work, our jogging partners, our best friends and part of the family.” Many of us consider our pets members of the family, but the law does not. In Arizona, pets are considered property, reports the East […]

“We are programmed to contribute the “max” to our retirement accounts and we disregard, or do not understand, the pitfalls of an improperly filled-out beneficiary forms.” Ignore beneficiary forms at your and your heirs’ own peril, especially when there are minor children involved, is the message from’s recent article “Are You Read to Deal […]

“Talking about illness, death and taxes is not most people’s idea of a good time (except for us estate planners). That being said, there are times in life when it’s time to move updating your estate plan off the ‘to do’ list and on to the ‘done’ list. Here are those times:” Every estate planning […]

“Retirement coach Sara Zeff Geber visited several Northern California assisted living facilities to interview ‘solo agers’—people, either single or coupled, who don’t have children to help them as they grow older.” She was a bit surprised when she couldn’t find any. She then realized that it’s the adult children who push their aging parents into […]

Life happens and so does death, so it is best to be prepared. It doesn’t matter how much money you have. You always need an estate plan, whether married or single, in order to be sure those left behind are cared for and that your assets are distributed as you wish, according to the South […]

Your estate plan can be simple and straightforward if your life is. But is it? If you thought that basic form saved some money for you when it came to estate planning, you may find yourself facing some expensive challenges if it turns out to be invalid, according to The Daily Sentinel in “What is […]

Your estate planning attorney will know what you need and when. When you meet with an estate planning attorney, the circumstances vary because you may meet when you are bringing up children or you may meet when you are living in an empty nest, according to the Houston Chronicle in “Learn about legal documents and […]