Category: Guardianship

“Due to the debilitating nature of Alzheimer’s and related forms of dementia on your loved one’s ability to make sound financial decisions, the sooner you can get financial matters in order the better.” If a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or any other form of dementia, it is necessary to address legal […]

“Obviously, the first step is to work with your doctor to slow the progression. However, there are legal steps you need to take as quickly as possible.” A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or any serious progressive disease takes some time to absorb. However, during the days and weeks after the diagnosis, it is important to take […]

“The steady drone of coronavirus news these past nine months has spurred countless older Americans to face a long-procrastinated task: writing—or rewriting—their wills.” While many people have had their wills updated or created in response to the pandemic, millions of Americans have yet to do so, reports the article “How to Stop Stalling On Getting […]

“There’s much to plan for in life—college, your wedding, your first child, life insurance—and with more than enough to keep you busy, it’s easy to forget about your will.” Even during a pandemic, few people want to spend time thinking about death. However, having an estate plan means having some of the most important documents […]

“As a result of illness, old age or incapacity, what may happen when you can no longer handle your own decision-making, handle your own money or make your own health care choices? Who can step in to help and how are they empowered?” For the most part, we are free to make our own decisions […]

“If you feel that your child will be incapable of making adult decisions on their own behalf, you can pursue a legal guardianship, so that you will retain the rights to make those decisions for them.” For parents of autistic children, the coming of an 18th birthday is the time when hard decisions need to […]

“Financial planning is an important part of life. Estate planning is one key aspect of planning for the future. It can feel daunting to take on the task, but once it’s done and your future is organized, it usually feels a lot better.” Estate planning means putting together a plan on paper, following the letter […]

“During the past four months, more than 141,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the pandemic has prompted some people to get serious about creating or updating their estate plans, according to Christine Benz, Morningstar’s director of personal finance.” The importance of having key estate planning documents cannot be overstated. That includes […]

“It’s hard to imagine being stripped by a court of the right to make decisions about finances, medical care and other matters. It’s even harder to imagine that happening without representation or the advice from a lawyer.” In many states, if a person is deemed unable to conduct their own affairs, a court appoints a […]

“When a loved one is experiencing cognitive decline, emotional and medical considerations often overshadow the financial planning that needs to happen. This is a potentially costly mistake.” Whether the reason is Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or any number of illnesses that lead to dementia, it’s hard for families to think about legal or financial concerns, when a […]