golden egg

“Fighting over personal property is the match to the tinderbox of emotions,” says McManus. “Sometimes feuds start because of lingering resentments over who worked the hardest to take care of Mom or Dad when they were sick or even over who got the biggest scoop of mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving every year.” Inheritance is a […]

Businessman with Coat and Tie Holding House.

When you inherit property, such as a house or stocks, the property is usually worth more than it was when the original owner purchased it. If you were to sell the property, there could be huge capital gains taxes. Fortunately, when you inherit property, the property’s tax basis is “stepped up,” which means the basis […]

inserting coin to a piggy bank

“It’s not that these accounts can’t or shouldn’t be used, it’s just they have to be coordinated carefully with the rest of the plan,” says Patrick Lannon, an estate lawyer with Bilzin Sumberg in Miami, Fla. “If there is more than one child and you make a paid on death account in favor of just […]

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If you live in one of the states with an estate tax, you need to take the tax into account when planning your estate … Another state tax to take into account when planning your estate is the inheritance tax. Just when you think you’ve got the whole federal estate tax figured out, you may […]

Young Family - mother and baby

Many families today are living with trusts that their ancestors established decades ago. In each case, there’s a definition of “family,” either explicitly written into the trust or, by default, applied by its governing law. There are innumerable ways that these trusts might define which family members are eligible to be beneficiaries and/ or remaindermen of […]

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“This is the thing people who disinherit someone don’t understand: It puts a huge amount of pressure on those who aren’t being disinherited,” says Caschetta, whose experience inspired her to write a book on the subject that she’s trying to get published. “Suddenly you have this rift and they have this choice. ‘Do I do […]

miniature woman standing in a pile of coins

The only time your Will would control who gets your IRA is if your estate is the beneficiary. Generally, it’s not a good idea to name your estate as the beneficiary of your IRA. Even though you made sure to prepare your Last Will and Testament, it is not always the final word on the […]

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Only 17% of dog or cat owners have taken any legal steps to provide for pets’ care after their death, according to a recent survey by the ASPCA. Most people simply assume that a friend or relative will take care of their pet after they’re gone, animal advocates say, and many pets wind up in […]