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If you live in one of the states with an estate tax, you need to take the tax into account when planning your estate … Another state tax to take into account when planning your estate is the inheritance tax. Just when you think you’ve got the whole federal estate tax figured out, you may […]

Young Family - mother and baby

Many families today are living with trusts that their ancestors established decades ago. In each case, there’s a definition of “family,” either explicitly written into the trust or, by default, applied by its governing law. There are innumerable ways that these trusts might define which family members are eligible to be beneficiaries and/ or remaindermen of […]

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“This is the thing people who disinherit someone don’t understand: It puts a huge amount of pressure on those who aren’t being disinherited,” says Caschetta, whose experience inspired her to write a book on the subject that she’s trying to get published. “Suddenly you have this rift and they have this choice. ‘Do I do […]

The first issue regarding portability is what does portability do? The answer is that portability allows the first spouse to die to transfer his/her unused estate tax applicable exclusion amount to the surviving spouse, who can then use it for his/her gift or estate tax purposes. The American Tax Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) brought […]