Money laundering

There are several charitable giving strategies that help donors generate income from their gifts. Each is appropriate in different situations. Giving to charity is a very satisfying act, with the giver fulfilling the needs of a charity and experiencing the joys of goodwill in the process. What a great feeling! And what’s more, there are […]


You were so helpful to me in September, clarifying the IRA charitable contribution. Do you know if the government is instituting that same contribution this year? We are well into tax season and planning for the upcoming year. Are you keeping up with the tax laws? As many retirees and their advisors review changes in […]

Money laundering

Want to better understand the mistakes charities make, so you can do a better job in your own philanthropic endeavors? With the yearly end-of-year run on charitable giving now behind us for 2013, and year-end stresses subsiding, this might be a good time to consider how to approach your philanthropy to do the most good. […]

Pad of Paper and pen

As the year comes to a close, it is time to consider how we show our generosity, so we can allocate our resources deliberately and effectively. There is still time to give those charitable gifts for 2013! And there are countless worthy causes to choose from.  So the question is: do the charities you select […]

Finger Pressing Button on Calculator

I know that most people will simply write a check to their charity of choice but for many, there is a more tax efficient way to gift, right? With the end of 2013 fast approaching, have you considered your year-end charitable gift strategy? While it is sometimes hard to figure out to whom you are […]

Money laundering

A tax deduction for charitable giving isn’t guaranteed just because you’re feeling generous. As with everything in tax law, it’s important to follow the rules. As the holiday giving season begins with the tax year ending shortly thereafter, now is a good time to plan your giving. But take note: there is giving, and then […]

human miniature

Selecting a charity that will use your money wisely and effectively isn’t easy, particularly during this hectic time of year. Donor-advised funds are one solution. Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too. Or in the case of a donor-advised fund, you can have your cake and eat it whenever you feel like […]

Senior woman gardening

Cultivating a family legacy is not that different from tending a garden: land with poor prospects, at first glance, has to be coaxed over time –patiently and carefully–until it has a fertile life of its own. Case in point: The Morris family of Pennsylvania, which nursed its garden into an arboretum, an estate that lives […]

money tree

You have a whole or universal life-insurance policy that you or your heirs don’t really need. What do you do? Well, you may want to donate it to your favorite charity. There are basically two ways to do it. Ask any widow or widower and they will tell you that it is better to be […]

money tree

In the end, you can think of the RISE system as a basic question: Is this organization built to get the job done? And, will it help you get your job of doing some good in the world done right? Giving to a good cause can have a substantial impact on the need at hand, […]