Happy Senior Couple

“To ensure a lasting legacy, you need to get your documents in order and have a clear plan for how your wealth will transfer, avoiding taxes and inheritor pitfalls along the way.” Asset distribution is how many estate plans begin, but we can create legacies for generations to come through our estate planning, says Kiplinger […]

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“Remember that a will goes through probate, so a husband and wife typically try to avoid it by using joint ownership or beneficiary designations. However, they’re often mistaken by believing the will still controls their estate.” Most people think a will is the most important tool in the estate planning toolbox, but in many instances, […]

woman looking through the window pane

“A trustee is a manager of assets in a trust. The grantor creates the trust and appoints the trustee. A trustee has a ‘fiduciary duty’ to serve the grantor and not benefit personally.” Before accepting the role of a trustee, it is important to have a thorough understanding of what you will need to do […]

Attractive Mixed Race Couple Portrait in the Park

“The Covid-19 has produced a rise in estate planning…but not a large enough one. Most Americans still do not have a last will and testament.” It’s true—many people still believe that they don’t have enough assets so they don’t need a will, or that their money will automatically go to a next of kin. Both […]

human miniature standing over piled coins

“If you have not already been inundated with invitations to webinars, articles and newsletters regarding  estate planning, you should consider doing so before the end of the year, since you undoubtedly will receive these over the next few months.” When it comes to estate planning, there’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” solution. That is […]

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“Estate planning is all about ensuring that your wishes are met after your death. All estate plans should include a will and powers of attorney. However, in many cases, a trust has additional benefits beyond what can be accomplished with the will and powers of attorney.” How would funding a trust with life insurance work, […]

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“Only you know the strengths and weaknesses of your family members, putting you in the best position to decide if your spouse or your child can appreciate a trustee’s responsibilities.” To protect all that you have worked for and take care of the most important people in your life, you may have been advised to […]

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“Why wait? A variety of trusts—from SLATs to BDITs, GRATs and more—can help you be proactive in protecting your wealth.” You might remember a flurry of activity in advance of the 2016 presidential election, when concerns about changes to the estate tax propelled many people to review their estate plans. In 2020, COVID-19 concerns have […]

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“The list of things you need to do after someone dies can seem endless, especially during a time when you are also grieving.” Making funeral arrangements, paying medical bills and closing down accounts are just the start of the tasks that a surviving spouse must take charge of, advises the recent article “Checklist for Handling […]

Money laundering

“The distribution of some of our assets can be governed by contracts. Examples of these contracts include life insurance, investment accounts, bank accounts and trusts.” Without proper planning, your will determines who inherits your property—everything from your home, car, bank accounts and personal possessions. Your spouse may not necessarily be your heir—and that’s just one […]