Holding Hands with Elderly Patient

“COVID-19 is quickly becoming the leading cause of death in the United States. As of today, Indiana has over 37,000 cases of COVID-19 and over 2,100 deaths. That is why articulating your wishes regarding end-of-life health care, is more important than ever.” The number of Americans who have died in the last few months because […]

Happy old couple

“Without a proper elder law estate plan, the children’s responsibilities are even more exhausting, stressful and sad.” It is the adult children who oversee aging parents when they need long-term care. They are also the ones who settle estates when parents die. Even if they can’t always come out and tell you, the recent article, […]

extended family

“With all these anxieties and unknowns weighing on your mind, it might feel like there’s suddenly a pressing need to get your affairs in order―just in case.” Most people who contract COVID-19 experience mild symptoms, but it does not hurt to be prepared just in case you need to be hospitalized, explains the article “A […]


“To put it bluntly, what if you were in a serious accident or were suddenly rushed to the hospital with COVID-19 symptoms or another life-threatening illness, and you were unable to make health care decisions for yourself?” The coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on the entire world. No wonder—it’s a frightening disease that experts […]

Woman Looking to Side

“A strong long-term care plan spells out where you would like to live, how you plan to get around, and who will oversee your financial and health decisions when you’re incapacitated.” Starting to plan for elder care should happen when you are in your 50s or 60s. By the time you are 70, it may […]

Happy old couple

“More than likely, most people may not want to envision a time spent in court, arguing with siblings and other family members, or fighting with financial institutions and health providers to uphold end-of-life wishes and the management of personal assets. The problems aren’t always evident when the first parent passes. Often, it’s when the second […]

Elderly Female Patient Wearing a Blood Pressure Gauge

“If someone has lost capacity to execute legal documents and has no power of attorney in place or has a power of attorney that is no longer usable (for example, if the named agents are deceased), a guardianship proceeding may be the only recourse.” Having a Health Care Proxy in place before it is needed, […]

senior couple talking

“Perhaps one of the most difficult conversations you’ll have as an adult child, is talking about end of life preparations with your parent. For many seniors, this conversation is as hard as the one about having to move to a full-time care facility.” An aging parent’s health can fail suddenly, or they can have a fall […]

Doctor Examining an Elderly Patient

“A woman was clear about her wishes before she had a stroke — in the case of a serious medical event, she did not want a feeding tube. She had even expressed her wishes in an advance directive, years before her stroke.” There are two sad parts to this story. The first was that the […]

doctor with female patient

“The best way to ensure that they know and understand your wishes, is to take a copy of your health care proxy with you to your next check up and talk to your physician about it, then ask them to keep the copy on file.” Everyone needs to have an annual checkup, taking stock of […]