consulting client

The new tax law has enough big changes that you need to review your estate plan to make sure that you are taking advantage of the best options in the new environment. It is a good idea to review your estate plan with sufficient frequency to make sure it still does what you want in […]

mother and baby

A Tennessee woman has given birth to a baby, after the successful implantation of an embryo that was frozen 24 years ago. The medical world is making advances in many fields, including all kinds of technologically enhanced pregnancy and birthing methods. Eggs, sperm and embryos can all be frozen today and used later to create […]

Doctor Examining an Elderly Patient

A new survey reveals that Americans view nursing homes so negatively, that the majority prefer death to living in one. Nursing homes do not have a good reputation in the United States. The common perception of them is as cold, uncaring places where people go to pass away, isolated and alone. It has been known […]

question mark

It might not be possible at this time to pass away and be brought back to life years later, but it could be some day. That could make estate planning challenging. A relatively small group of people is determined to prove that human remains can be frozen and brought back to life later by scientists. […]


The cremated remains of an Arizona woman’s father were stolen off her porch, after the package containing them was left there by a postal worker. Every December the major news outlets can be counted on to run three specific stories at least once. The first one is that carriers are having problems delivering a high […]

question mark

Can a Wisconsin family be brought back to life in the future? A man in Wisconsin has signed up for himself, his wife and their three sons to all be cryogenically frozen after they pass away, according to the Daily Mail in “Father spends $140,000 to sign his whole family up to be frozen in […]

Senior woman contemplating

Some attorneys take advantage of their elderly clients. One of those who did so, will serve 16 to 40 years in prison. There is a popular image of attorneys as shifty liars who will do or say anything. It is not an accurate portrayal of most lawyers. Almost all attorneys know they have responsibilities to […]

silhouette of man on a wheelchair

Special needs trust may be answer to new tax reforms. Some of the people who were concerned about the new tax reform law were people with disabilities, according to The Hill in “Restructured tax code would unduly burden people with disabilities.” However, the concerns raised in that article did not materialize. Not only will they […]

Senior woman contemplating

What is next, as Republicans look to reform programs? It appears that Republicans may be prepared to propose cuts to some of the most popular government programs, according to Financial Advisor in “GOP Laying Groundwork To Cut Future Social Security, Medicare, Welfare Outlays.” Republicans are talking about making cuts to programs for the elderly, such […]

last will and testament

If you have assets in more than one nation, you need to be sure of the laws for a solid estate plan. There are people who might need more than one will, if they have assets in more than one country and are a citizen of both countries, according to the Financial Review in “Double […]