Colleagues Applauding Senior Businessman

“The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act raised the federal estate tax exemption considerably. Before the tax reform law, it was $5.49 million per person for 2017. It’s up to $11.7 million for 2021 ($23.4 million for a married couple).” For the moment, fewer Americans are concerned about the federal estate tax. However, if your goal […]

woman looking through the window pane

“In addition to deciding who gets what when you die, you have key roles to fill that deserve thoughtful deliberation as part of the estate-planning process, experts say.” Spending the least amount of time possible contemplating your death is what most people try to do. However, one part of the estate planning process needs time […]

question mark

“Deciding when to start receiving Social Security retirement benefits is an important decision. Making the wrong choice could cost you.” Not knowing when you will be eligible to receive all of the benefits earned through your work history can hurt a retirement plan, says a recent article from titled “Here’s what to you need to […]

question mark

“Has the Covid-19 stock market volatility caused your retirement accounts to decline? Will the temporary suspension of required minimum distributions (RMD) or a reduction in your compensation lower your 2020 tax liability?” With a combination of lowered 2020 tax liability, the potential for future tax increases and potentially lower portfolio values, we are in uncharted […]

colorful art

“Probate is the court process to distribute someone’s estate after their death, even if there is a will and is notoriously slow in California.” The nature of the probate process varies from state to state, and even varies from county to county. However, the nature of the process is the same. A court has to […]

extended family

“An immature or troubled child could try to misuse your money or goad you into handing over assets you might need later. Complicated family dynamics, or just your desire for privacy, may make you hesitant to open up.” Talking about who will control your assets is always a tricky thing, says in a recent […]

consulting clients

“Take the money you’d normally save for retirement and put it into an account for emergencies.” As the coronavirus spreads across the US, most of our lives have come to a halt. Some Americans are already out of work and millions may end up losing their jobs during a potential recession, says CNBC in the […]

Elder Couple with Bills

“When you are a farmer, your business is not only your livelihood and your passion, but, often, it is also intermingled with your family life.” Planning for the end of life is intimidating for everyone, but when the plan includes a family business like a farm or ranch, things can get even more challenging. That’s […]

Happy Senior Couple

“States can differ dramatically when it comes to long term care regarding availability, quality, government benefits, retirement communities and cost.” What if your parents live in Oklahoma, you live in Nebraska and your brothers and sisters live in New York and California? Having the important conversation with your aging parents about what the future might […]

extended family

“During the estate planning process, these beneficiary designations are reviewed to ensure that the beneficiaries are correct, and that the distribution of these assets conforms with the client’s intended estate plan.” Naming a beneficiary on a non-retirement account can result in an unintended consequence—it can even topple an entire estate plan—reports The National Law Review […]