senior couple talking

“When a loved one is experiencing cognitive decline, emotional and medical considerations often overshadow the financial planning that needs to happen. This is a potentially costly mistake.” Whether the reason is Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or any number of illnesses that lead to dementia, it’s hard for families to think about legal or financial concerns, when a […]

senior couple talking

“With all the media buzz about guardians stealing money from those whom they are meant to protect and overall financial abuse issues involving seniors, it’s a good moment to revisit how surrogate decision-making works.” Protecting yourself or a loved one can take many different forms, since aging takes a toll on the ability to handle […]

last will and testament

“One of the most dramatic scenes in the movie, is the gathering of the Thrombey Family at their father’s estate to hear the reading of the will.” One of the recent surprise hit movies has been the murder mystery Knives Out, with a star-studded cast that includes Jamie Lee Curtis, Daniel Craig and Chris Evans. […]


“Adults with disabilities are living much longer than in the past, which means their aging parents must plan for the day when their dependent children outlive them.” One in four Americans has some kind of disability, and an increasing number of children are being diagnosed with some form of autism. The life expectancy for people […]

Elderly Female Patient Wearing a Blood Pressure Gauge

“If someone has lost capacity to execute legal documents and has no power of attorney in place or has a power of attorney that is no longer usable (for example, if the named agents are deceased), a guardianship proceeding may be the only recourse.” Having a Health Care Proxy in place before it is needed, […]

woman riding a horse

“As our children with disabilities grow older, and we ourselves grow older, the future can seem daunting. The future can be overwhelming.” Taking steps to plan for the future when loving parents will not be there to help their disabled child as they age is a hard thing to confront. However, planning in advance for […]

senior couple talking

“Talking about money is hard. Talking to your parents about their financial situation can be even harder.” Despite any uncomfortable feelings, the sooner you start talking with your parents about their financial situation, and the more conversations you can have, the better, says Wisconsin Public Radio in the article “How To Talk To Your Parents […]

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“In their trust they leave each other their share upon death and then I would be trustee when my last parent dies. I’m really concerned about this whole deal.” A son has contacted an elder law estate planning attorney now that mom is in a nursing home and he’s unsure about many of the planning […]

senior couple talking

Children may not have to make as many major decisions at a difficult time in their lives. Elder law estate planning can make the lives of adult children easier by setting major goals and tasks in the process, according to the Times Herald-Record in “Three ways for seniors to make things easier for their kids“. […]

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It is important to realize that you can name your power of attorney. A power of attorney is someone you name to act on your behalf should you become unable to handle your finances or make your own decisions.  If you do not have a power of attorney, then someone will be named to act […]